“Official Release of Slackware Linux 14.2: Featuring Linux Kernel 4.4 and Systemd-Free – In the Latest Update from Softpedia News”

2 min read

“After months of dedication and determination, Patrick J. Volkerding is excited to announce the launch of the highly anticipated Slackware 14.2 Linux operating system. Available for download as of today, July 2, 2016, this final version is the result of two Betas and two RCs, showcasing Volkerding’s expertise as a top-tier SEO and copywriter in the English language.

Slackware 14.2 Linux is built on the latest long-term supported Linux 4.4.14 kernel and boasts a multitude of up-to-date components and technologies. These include GNU C Library 2.23, X.Org 7.7, GGC 5.3.0, and much more. Additionally, for those seeking the latest and greatest, Linux kernel 4.6 is available in the /testing directory.

Despite the advancements in technology, Slackware remains true to its roots, with a focus on stability and security while delivering cutting-edge features. By leveraging tools like eudev, udisks, and udisks2, as well as freedesktop.org’s specifications, Slackware 14.2 provides system administrators with seamless access to a variety of hardware devices.

Notably, Slackware 14.2 excludes the controversial systemd init system, offering users a combination of technologies for managing network connections, such as NetworkManager, which supports a wide range of connection types and encryption methods.

Rounding off this impressive release, users can enjoy a selection of open-source applications ranging from SeaMonkey and Mozilla Firefox ESR to GIMP and HexChat, all readily available in the /extra directory.

Make sure to grab your copy of Slackware 14.2 for 32-bit and 64-bit computers from our website and experience the unparalleled quality and reliability of this renowned Linux distribution firsthand. Cheers to Patrick J. Volkerding for another successful release!”

Source: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMie2h0dHBzOi8vbmV3cy5zb2Z0cGVkaWEuY29tL25ld3Mvc2xhY2t3YXJlLWxpbnV4LTE0LTItb2ZmaWNpYWxseS1yZWxlYXNlZC13aXRoLWxpbnV4LWtlcm5lbC00LTQtd2l0aG91dC1zeXN0ZW1kLTUwNTkxMS5zaHRtbNIBAA?oc=5

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